Baby Beef


In this age of corporate mergers and chain stores we at the Ministry have often found ourselves longing for balance, for a project to work on that’s DIY and human-scale. Something beautiful.


The first time we heard Baby Beef we knew we wanted to work with them. We’ve taken them on pro-bono with a remit of managing their expectations, nurturing their creative spirit, & leading them to victory.


Baby Beef was founded in 2018 when childhood besties Hewett (Baby Beef) and Cameron (Christian Values) formed a trio with Hayley (Mumma Beef). The three songs they’ve released so far are all included in the clip above. This year marks the beginning of a great adventure and so far the response has been amazing, as shown in this quote from an interview with the band that you can read here.

The song’s lyrical content unashamedly addresses mental health, failed relationships and day-to-day anxiety. The production balances on the edge of absurdity – borrowing the best (and revamping the worst) elements of ‘80s pop to make something unmistakably modern. It has the combined effect of making you want to get up and dance while simultaneously asking you to sit and reflect.